Do you want to see it?

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
5 min readFeb 13, 2023

Mr. Pissy part II

watercolor of a cock drinking coffee generated by the author with Dall-e

Mr. Pissy Part I

The dude I’ve been dating for a little over a month had a hissy fit when he saw I “still” had bumble on my phone.

Despite telling him from the start that I wasn’t open to or offering monogamy, he got stupid and accused me of wanting to date other people because I needed a “guy with a bigger and harder cock.” He wasn’t right, and he wasn’t wrong. His cock was small and seldom hard, but the sex we’d had was inventive fun and the type that left my thighs sore for days.

The problem wasn’t his cock or the lack of functioning. It was his fucking attitude about it. Despite me telling him it was fine, he decided he wanted a two-week break from seeing me until he could talk to a therapist.

In response to this news, I got back on my bumble profile and changed my age range from 18–45. Said pissy dude was 53, and maybe a slightly younger dude would have a functioning cock, and I would not have to deal with the chicken little attitude around his cock being soft. I went to bed feeling smug and thinking maybe I could find myself a nice 30-year-old dude.

I woke up to 78 new likes from a wide variety of men, ages 18 to 33. There were also a significant number of men who super-liked me and complimented my pictures. What I thought was a nice picture of me…



Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

Mary is a writer of memories about bad experiences in Polyamory, surviving divorce and experiments with sex and dating, over 40.